A Fall From Grace. Mail Order Bride Western Page 15
With each thing that he did, the experience improved dramatically and the pleasure returned. Cupping her buttocks with his powerful hands, he encouraged her to move against him. She did so reluctantly at first but then she found that this time there was no pain. This time it was positively delicious.
The more at ease and the more she enjoyed herself, the more he did as well. He smiled as he pumped into her. Her breasts bobbed with his movement. She put her hands on them to hold them still and he really liked that. His rocking took off.
His kisses became acts of devouring. He could not get enough of her. He plunged his tongue into her ear. Merla thought she was going to rise off of the hay loft. The pleasure was almost too intense.
He did it again, pressing between her legs at the same time as he rocketed in and out of her. Merla had no idea what to do or what was happening. It seemed that her belly was winding up so tightly that she was going to burst. Mac would not let up.
And Merla burst.
Ripples of the sugariest sensation rolled through her core. She was consumed with pure bliss. The ripples became waves and then became seizures. Her whole body was possessed. She moaned against the warmth of his body as he continued to move within her.
Then he was overtaken. Mac swirled and swiveled his hips as he drove into her. His eyes were squinted as he looked upward to the ceiling of the barn. His body stiffened and then he too spazzed. Merla began to move as she knew if his movement made her pleasure better, hers must do the same. Mac growled helplessly until he collapsed beside her in the hay.
Chapter Five
Merla knew Mac had to have to spend every bit of energy that had making love to her. And yet he didn’t take his hands off of her. He was forever touching and stroking her. She could feel him looking at her in the dark. The barn was now pitch-black.
“How Baxter Wallace could ever lay a hand on you, I will never know. He’s no man. If I saw your face getting off the stage, I would have hunted the preacher down.”
Merla smiled. It warmed her to hear him talk like that.
“I like the way you look too,” she said shyly.
“You do,” he cuddled her. “You know what I think?”
“What?” she asked.
“I think we will suit each other just fine. I think we were meant to be,” he said.
Merla slept more soundly in the hayloft, in Mac’s arms, than she had in his bed. If that was possible. She never felt more welcomed anywhere in her life. With him, she felt like she belonged.
And just as the sun cracked the sky, he woke her.
“Hey,” he nudged her.
Then he kissed her.
“Hey,” he said.
He put a hot cup of coffee in her hand. It smelled wonderful. Tasted even better.
“You gotta get up for just a moment,” he said. “Come down to the floor here. We’re going to get married.”
That woke her up.
Merla sat up straight in the loft. Down on the floor of the barn, everyone was gathered. Even Fiona. Mercifully Mac had dressed her so she didn’t have to say good morning to her new family buck naked.
He waited for her on the loft ladder as they climbed down to their wedding party together. Mac and Merla joined hands and stood before the preacher at the sun rose through the barn door. They were man and wife by daylight.
The ceremony was short and sweet. As soon as it was official, Mac and Merla were abandoned for chores. Fiona left them, telling them to come up to the house when they were ready, for breakfast.
Mac turned on Merla like a wolf and stalked her towards the loft ladder. He kissed her slowly. Though his pace was lazy, there was great hunger. He deviated from her, stopping to slide the barn door shut.
He returned to her and dropped down to skim up her skirt. He hands sensually dragged upward toward her hips. He looked into her eyes and leaned her against the loft ladder. He hands found her center.
Merla was fascinated and delighted by the fact that, despite exhaustion and a little bit of discomfort, Mac’s touch could bring her body to life the way he did. Her insides hummed with arousal. Her core ached for him to be inside of her. She was drowsy with sexual excitement for him.
She hooked her leg around his and pulled him into her. His erection grinded against her center. Through their clothing, she experienced sweet friction. Mac buried his lips in the delicate dip of her neck. Merla stomped her feet with erotic reaction.
Mac pulled back and regarded her. There was a feral look in his eye. Merla was sure she was responsible for it. This pleased her. That in her very new experience, she had such a strong effect on him. She boldly reached between them and felt his crotch with her palm.
“Lady,” he growled.
Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Mac,” called Rafe.
“Yeah brother,” said Mac.
“Ma made us bring you a bath,” he said.
Mac tilted his head to Merla’s with frustration. But Merla thought a bath would be nice. She would be glad to be fresh and clean.
“Yeah fine,” said Mac, slightly agitation.
Rafe, Jake and Donovan carted in a tub and tipped the warm water they were carting. They quickly left the barn.
“My goodness,” he said wickedly. “I am about to see you naked.”
With a dark and sensual look in his eye, now in the full light of day, Mac once again undressed his wife. There wasn’t a quiver of modesty in her. She was surprised but she wasn’t the least bit nervous to have him see her body in daylight. Merla trusted Mac.
He quickly lowered her bloomers. Merla shivered. Her bare nipples were erect in the air, pointing with arousal. He instantly plunged his mouth onto one, suckling and drawing. His blistering hot mouth tugged straight to her center. Merla ached at her core. She straddled his thigh and grinded on it. He braced her back, steadying her.
He swept her up and plunked her in the water, filled with a shallow amount of water. His hands tended to every part of her. He tenderly pressed his fingers to the silken lips of her body. Merla flinched.
“Oh,” he asked with concern. “Are you tender?”
“I’m fine,” she whispered, fibbing just a little.
Merla craned her head, seeking his mouth. Mac lovingly complied. He touched her jaw with his fingers, stroking the curve of her neck with them as he let her kissed him. She delicately plundered the insides of his mouth, sweeping her tongue on the insides of his cheeks. She loved the way he tasted. She loved drawing in his scent through her nostrils. His scent stoked her arousal. His stroking renewed the erection of her nipples as his kissing warmed her belly.
He stood up and shed his own clothing. The light for Merla was a delight as she now got to see Mac’s form in broad day light as well. He was so beautiful. He was perfection. The sight of him made her so so wet. She ached to lay back and have him inside of her.
Mac was stoked as well. He plunked in the cooling water, and washed up. Merla crawled over towards him, her cupcake sized breasts wobbling as she moved. She flattened herself on his body. They lay chest to chest. Her soft flesh pressed against the hardness of his body. She was small and dainty and he so big and strong, that he was able to support easily.
Mac’s warm hands smoothed her buttocks. He growled as he petted and petted her. He pulled her knees towards his hips. She was straddling him now. But he quickly lifted her to the rim of the tub and spread her knees. He leaned forward and put his mouth on her directly between.
Merla tipped nearly but he held her. He plunged his tongue into her body. He licked the button of pleasure until her channel ached mercilessly. Absent-mindedly, she begged him.
“Please,” she groaned.
Mac lifted her back atop him and put himself inside of her. Her body’s reaction to this position was new and exciting. It was different from the way they joined the night before. She was learning that position meant a new experience.
He encouraged her to sit on the rung of the loft ladder. Sh
e splayed her knees, offering herself to him. She was so wet for him. Mac was inside of her easily filling her. He nudged her back so the full weight of her hips caused her to take him into her as deeply as she could.
The feel of him was narcotic for her. She had to shut her eyes and simply enjoy it. Mac on the other hand was less patient. He took hold and pumped into her in slow wicked grinds. Slow powerful grinds.
His eyes rolled back, his eyelids fluttered. Merla mimicked his movement, rocking back and forth purposefully. She gripped the sides of tub and pushed forcefully, grinding him as wantonly as he had her.
Mac snapped. He held on for dear life and pumped into her like a freight train. He extended his fingers and pressed his thumb firmly between her legs.
“Touch yourself,” he whispered. “Put your hand where mine is.”
She did. She had never even dared before. She rubbed back and forth and pressed. It was a delicious combination with Mac’s action. Merla seized. Her whole insides drew up and gripped Mac’s enormous erection.
He did not let up, continuing his frenzied pumping. Merla wagged her fingers until her body erupted with rapture. She seized with the power powerful orgasm. Wave of delicious spasms overtook her.
“Oh baby,” Mac moaned.
She crumpled, completely overtaken by her pleasure. It was like a storm of rapture overtook her. Her heart drum in her ears. Her breath rushed from her as wave after wave of unbelievable sweetness caused her body to clutch and seize. Mac held her as he moved furiously to find his own ecstasy. They both climaxed together, howling like animals in the barn.
Their breathing came hard through their nostrils as their bodies slowly calmed down. The water was cold. They splashed off and dried with the terries that Fiona sent with the tub. They dressed in fresh clothes.
Mac took Merla’s face into his hands and kissed her one more time before leaving the barn.
“Not exactly a honeymoon hotel,” said he said. “But wonderful just the same.”
Merla beamed at him. She had never been happier in her life. She never knew such happiness was even possible.
“Shall we go have breakfast, Mrs. McElroy?” he asked, regarding her with adoration.
“Yes, Mr. McElroy, I think we shall,” she said, returning his smile.
Chapter Six
Their timing could not have been more in the nick of time. For as they walked around the corner of the barn to the common area of McElroy’s Bend, they happened up on a tense seen. Merla saw the unmistakable profile of Baxter Wallace seated on his horse, accompanied by another man. Fear tugged at her stomach. Mac gripped the butt of his gun. Merla tensed that the moment could turn bloody. Her husband’s eyes were as wide as they could be and they were filled with terror. They were holding his family.
“What’s going on, now?” Mac called out.
“There she is marshal,” said Baxter. “There’s the lady who robbed me.”
Mac shook his head.
“You believe that, Ben?” Mac addressed the marshal. “Do you believe we would associate with a woman who was a thief?”
“Well now Baxter here says this young woman walked off with about a thousand dollars of his cash,” said the marshal.
“Thousand dollars,” said Mac with a facetious laugh. “You keep tossin’ that amount around, don’t you Baxter? Did he happen to mention, Ben that he was here the other day and named that very price to settle all this? He offered to sell her to me for that amount. Never mentioned to me that she stole anything. I have a strong hunch that Baxter Wallace here owes someone a thousand dollars. That’s what I think.”
“She did answer his ad in the matrimonial news,” said the marshal. “And he did pay for a ticket in exchange for her hand in marriage. I myself am a bit tired of these women taking these saps.”
“Taking advantage of him? How about the other way around. Did he did tell you what the situation was when we met the two of them?” demanded Mac.
“No,” replied the marshal. “He didn’t happen to mention that. So far the story I am getting is that he’s been duped.”
Mac continued, “I have no doubt this woman would have honored their arrangement if it weren’t for the fact that he beat her. She was out cold at our place for days before she came to. She doesn’t have to take that. I am sure he didn’t mention that he did that sort of thing in any of his letters.”
The marshal just turned his head to Baxter and glared.
“Is any of this true?” he asked. “You hit this woman?”
“I disciplined her, that is all. These men stole her from me. Drove off with her. As far as their version, I say they’re exaggerating. I mean she looks fine,” said Baxter.
“People are doing a lot of stealing in your stories. First she steals now they steal. Which is it?” asked the marshal.
Baxter cocked his six shooter threateningly.
“Put it away or get shot,” growled the marshal.
“You aren’t going to do anything about this?” Baxter asked. “She promised to marry me. I paid for that and I aim to get that.”
“She is already married,” said Mac. “To me.”
The marshal tilted his head. “You could have said that in the first place. You all I am sorry for ruining your Saturday morning. I am going to consider this case closed. Baxter you’re going to have to move on.”
“I offered to reimburse him for his money out but he refused it,” said Mac.
“I’ve had enough of this,” said Baxter.
His face showed it, thought Merla. He was destroyed. He holstered his gun and rode off alone. But he only got as far as the smokehouse on the way off of the property before he pivoted and fired. But he was too slow. Mac and the marshal shot him. Merla didn’t look. She didn’t look but she heard the unmistakable sound of a body hitting the earth and his horse galloping away.
As bad as Baxter Wallace had been to her, she was immediately wracked with guilt. She thought she was going to be sick. It had happened all so fast. One minute the man was alive and awful and now, he was dead. Merla slumped against her husband.
“I killed him,” she moaned.
She wavered. It felt as though a fever rose in her. Her husband held her.
“No,” said Mac. “Don’t even say that. None of this is your fault.”
The marshal dismounted his own horse and examined the corpse.
“Well it appears we both got him but I am going to claim responsibility. This was self defense pure and simple,” said the marshal.
“We’ll load him up and help you take him in to town,” said Donny.
“I’d appreciate that,” said marshal.
“We were about to have breakfast,” said Fiona. “Can all of this wait until afterwards?”
“Well ma’am,” said the marshal. “I would appreciate that.”
It was strange to Merla that they were so matter-of-fact they were about the death of a man. She tried to take it all in same. The brothers and the marshal moved the body out of the path. They covered it up.
The men washed up and the family, including the preacher, headed into the house to sit at a table set for Mac and Merla’s wedding meal. They quickly added another place. Mac was very protective and attentive as he held her chair for her.
“Well this has been an eventful morning,” joked the marshal as they were all seated around the table. “Congratulations to you and to you miss.”
“Missus,” corrected Fiona.
“Ma can’t wait until you can call Merla ‘mama’,” teased Rafe.
The table erupted in laughter. Even Merla laughed. She realized that if after such a harsh moment her new family could make her laugh, things were going to be okay. She took a moment to spy on the family as a whole, seeing the similarities and the differences of each of them.
She studied Fiona who was still a handsome woman. She must have been so young when she married and became a mother. She also noted how she and the marshal exchanged secret looks. There was something going on there.r />
“So tell us about you,” said marshal. “Where do you hail from? And who are your people?”
“I traveled from Wichita,” said Merla quietly. “My people have all passed; well almost all. I answered an ad in Matrimonial News to start anew.”
“Awe,” said the marshal sympathetically.
“I do have a sister out there somewhere,” said Merla softly. “I lost touch with her a while back. But she’s all I had.”
“Well now you have a new family,” Fiona patted her hand.
“Yes ma’am,” Merla replied.
“Ma,” corrected Fiona.
Merla’s chest tightened. It was a bittersweet moment indeed.
Mac changed the subject by spearing the steak hash that Fiona cooked up, and fed it to Merla.
“How old would this sister be?” asked Rafe.
“You thinking of taking a wife?” Mac chuckled.
It wasn’t a silly suggestion Merla realized. There was a little bit of hope in Rafe’s expression. In turn, she had hope. If anyone who could bring her sister back to her, it would be the McElroy brothers.
“She could be married,” laughed Merla half heartedly.
“Still it would be nice to know,” said Rafe. “I feel like riding out to Wichita and asking some questions at the orphan house.”
“Careful now ma. Two McElroy brothers might end up married men,” teased Mac.
“I wouldn’t mind,” said Fiona, already rising from the table to clear it.
“I’ll get that ma’am, I mean ma,” said Merla.
That was definitely going to take some getting used to, thought Merla.
“We’ll get that,” said Mac said of the chores. “Together.”
“This is your wedding meal,” protested Fiona.
“Yes we’ll take care of this,” said the marshal.
“Yeah ma and Ben, but I can’t wait to dishes with my wife,” Mac levered his eyebrows.
“You win,” said the marshal.
Chapter Seven
On that note, the diners vacated the table and the house. They left Mac and Merla alone. Mac laughed. Merla was dazed at the rapid pace that they cleared the house.